Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cities Lead the Way in Action to Halt Climate Change
by: Michael Coren
September 16th, 2010

In Babylon, N.Y homeowners are now eligible for loans to make their homes more efficient.
     The worlds population is increasing rapidly, which will make our cities much more populated. Some people think that this will increase greenhouse emissions and climate change, but they are wrong. The PEW foundation has said that cities have been a big help in cutting more than 23 millions tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The ICLEI USA- Local Governments for Stability, an organization of local governments worldwide dedicated to urban sustainability and lowering greenhouse gas emissions, says that cities have been a huge help in bringing their nations closer toward a low carbon future. Cities have a unique power to make immediate changes involving things like public transportation. At this point, they have the ability to change things like asphalt recycling, better insulation in buildings, timers for coffee makers, telecommuting, light sensors, and water conservation to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Local Governments are working on lowering greenhouse gas emissions as well. For example, in Babylon, N.Y., homeowners are eligible for loans to make their homes more efficient, and those loans are entirely repaid through cost savings in their power bills. Many cities have made many changes to become more efficient. Chicago, for example, is encouraging bicycling instead of driving by drafting a pedestrian and bike plan. This would include a 500-mile bike way network, street safety improvements, and more bike racks. The United States cities are well on their way to cutting greenhouse gas emissions and becoming more efficient over time.

My Opinion: I think that this article was really interesting. It is great that cities are helping in cutting down greenhouse gas emissions and becoming more efficient. I think that the changes that cities have made are really great and helpful. My father always complains about our electricity bill, if we had what Babylon, N.Y., has (loans to make homes more efficient) then our bill wouldn't be so high. I do, however, think that more substantial changes will need to be made in order to create low emission cities.

Do you think that the changes that are being made will have a substantial effect on lowering greenhouse gas emissions?

What kind of changes can we make in their own homes to help lower emissions?

How does lowering greenhouse gas emissions help our planet?


  1. Really interesting article annemarie. I think that greenhouse gas emisions are very important to consider. These emisions are ruining our atmosphere. Cutting greenhouse gas emisions will surely help our planet. This could solve many of our current issues and problems, such as the melting of polar ice caps, and extinction of polar bears. I hope that PEW keeps up with our problems, to make our planet more healthy to live on.

    To answer your question "What kind of changes can people make in their own homes to help lower emissions?". People can make very simple changes to help lower greenhouse gas emisions. Not burning batteries and styrofoam and recycling. These are things most people do without thinking, but if they don't, they certainly should start. Following these guidelines will make our planet healthier, and more fun to live in.

  2. Nice article! I also think that what the cities are doing to cut down greenhouse gas emissions is great! The more we can save the earth from pollution, the better. If we could do what Babylon, N.Y. is doing all over the world, then we would be cutting back on a lot of things and really help the environment. Also, if we could ride bikes to more places then that would save a lot of gas money for the cars, and we wouldn't be creating as much pollution. Riding bikes would even increase peoples healths!

    In response to your question "How does lowering greenhouse gas emissions help our planet?", Lowering greenhouse gas emissions would be saving our planet from a lot of pollution and it will make the earth a more healthier place to live on. It could also help some of our other problems on the earth, such as the glaciers melting, global warming etc. If we can lower the greenhouse gas emissions then the earth will become healthier a little more each day.

  3. Hey everyone!!! I am totally psyched about this article! Reducing pollution and green house gas emissions is so easy, it's ridiculous! I mean, its as simple as turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth, or turning the lights off when you leave your room. Even opening the windows when it's hot instead of turning the AC on or wear slipper sox and long clothes when it's cold rather than crankin' up the heat. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. People can even buy solar panels or install wind turbines on their roof. All of these simple things will make a huge difference in lowering green house emissions. Even the smallest things will help to lower these awful gases, and every effort to lower them is greatly appriciated!

    "How does lowering green house gas emissions help our planet" you inquire? Well, lowering the greenhouse gas emissions will help our planet in so many ways! It will help to slow down the depleation of the ozone layer, and slow down the human caused portion of global warming. Using simple tactics, people will be able to make the world a cleaner (and cooler) place to live!

  4. Hi everybody! I liked this article Annemarie...I love how some cities are doing so much to help the environment. It is really great that Chicago is making riding bikes instead of using some sort of public or private transportation so much easier! And besides, it is our world, so we might as well do our best not to harm it. I also love that Babylon, N.Y. is making it so much more affordable to increase greenhouse gas emissions from our own homes.

    As to your question "What kind of changes can we make in our own homes to lower greenhouse gas emissions?" we can do simple things, like what Maddy said. Stuff like turning off the faucet when we're not using it and only turning on something using electricity when we need it is helping lower emissions. Even unplugging our cell phone chargers during the day can help! Just by doing these simple things we can increase the help and stability of our planet earth.
